Shapes and Colors


The following pages consist of images of shapes and colors to explore how well the Reader interprets and scales image data. 


Except as noted above each image, the BMP, GIF, and JPG versions are exactly the same color, shape, and size.


All images started as a 24bit BMP and were saved in the other formats. 

Shapes.bmp [640x512] 

straight lines, curves and angles. no visual defects.


Shapes.gif [640x512]

Straight lines and curves. No visual defects.

Shapes.jpg [640x512]

Straight lines and curves. Some fuzziness around angled lines due to lousy compression.

Colors.bmp [640x512]

Circles are bright red and yellow with black and gray in center. Surrounding blocks are duller colors.

Colors.gif [640x512]

Circles are bright red and yellow with black and gray in center. Surrounding blocks are duller colors. Some color loss due to GIF limitations.

Colors.jpg [640x512]

Circles are bright red and yellow with black and gray in center. Surrounding blocks are duller colors. Some muddling along separating lines due to jpg compression.

Colors.png [640x512]